News From : (05 Jun 2009)
The private sector has been urged to help develop skilled labour in Islamic banking in line with the country’s aim of emerging as an Islamic financial hub, respected by the world.
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mejar Jeneral (R) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom said although Malaysia was already known as an Islamic nation, it was important to continue this effort more effectively.
The move will not only ensure economic independence but also the strength of the Muslim community from the physical aspect and the ability to defend their faith and spirituality, he said.
He said this before the signing ceremony for a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the funding of Islamic Studies scholarships at Al-Azhar University between Amanah Raya Berhad (AmanahRaya) and Yayasan Taqwa, an agency under the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department (MAIWP).
Under the MoU, 29 students, with 15 of them sponsored by Yayasan Taqwa and the rest by Amanahraya, were picked to undergo a five-year Bachelors degree course in Islamic Social Science in Finance and Islamic Banking at Al-Azhar University.
Taking into account the funds and assets available in the Islamic financial system which is at about US$1.3 trillion globally today, Jamil Khir said the need for specialist manpower over the next five to 10 years would also increase, especially skilled labour in the field of syariah.
“In this regard, the human capital we need to train and develop, must be given the right exposure and experience as well as opportunity to acquire knowledge at the best place in the world.
“This will ensure the birth of skilled labour that truly has potential and is needed by the world,” he said.
Source from : BERNAMA