Home » Mumbai All Set To Host The Biggest Ever Islamic Conference

Mumbai All Set To Host The Biggest Ever Islamic Conference

News From : DagangHalal.com (30 Oct 2009)

Mumbai: Mumbai is all set to host the biggest ever Islamic Conference from tomorrow. The conference inaugurated with the Friday sermon tomorrow will continue for ten long days before ending on November 8, 2009.

Organised by the Mumbai based Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) the ten-day conference – termed by the organisers as the largest ever Dawah in the Islamic world – is organised at Somaiya Ground near RCF in Mumbai.

“Insha Allah this will be the largest ‘Islamic Da’wah Conference’ being organized in the history of the Islamic World by Muslims in terms of grandeur, excellence, distinguished international speakers and audience participation”, said the organisers.

The host of the conference IRF is headed by Internationally recognised Islamic Scholar Dr. Zakir Naik who is based in Mumbai.

With the focus to create a better awareness and understanding of Islam and its message of peace for the entire humanity, to remove misconceptions, false fear and hate of Islam and Muslims globally and to realize that Islam is a just, righteous and peaceful way of life, the conference will kick start tomorrow with the Friday sermon by Imam Masjid Al Aqsa Shaikh Ali Al Abbasi, said the organisers.

About the motive behind this ten-day conference the organisers said, “Peace, internal and external – be it on an ‘individual’ or at a ‘worldwide collective’ level – is a must for effective human progress and realistic global unity. Peace perishes in the use of unjust force. No matter which side of the fence you are on – you are bound to lose. Upholding justice and human rights, eradicating poverty, as well as inculcating moral values based on our Creator’s Divine Guidance are a must for achieving World Peace. We cannot achieve effective world peace without good governance and morally sound human beings. For people of all beliefs, this conference will be a learning opportunity to realize, reflect on and correct their misunderstanding (if any) about Islam in the light of talks by authoritative and renowned international speakers”, said the orgainsers.

The prominent speakers who are expected to address the conference include Abdur Raheem Green (UK), Yassir Fazaga (USA), Yasir Qadhi (USA), Hussain Yee (Malaysia), Salem Al Amry (UAE), Dr. Jamal Badawi (Canada), Ziaullah Khan (Canada), Assim Al Hakeem (Saudi Arabia), Yusuf Estes (USA), Saeed Rageah (Canada), Dr. Bilal Philips (Canada), Dr. Jaafar Idris (Sudan), Dr. Hussain Hamed Hassan (Egypt), Dr. Zaghloul Elnaggar (Egypt), Riaz Ansary (USA), Haitham Al Haddad (UK), Imam Suhaib Webb (USA), Dr. Ahmed Ibn Saifuddin (Saudi Arabia), Jimmy Jones (USA), Yahya Ibrahim (Canada), Sadullah Khan (South Africa), Abdul Bary Yahya (USA), Abu Usamah Atthahabi (USA), Ammar Amonette (USA), Asim Hafeez (UK), Iqbal Sacranie (UK), Saleh Al Munajjid (Saudi Arabia) and Dr. Zakir Naik (India).

Before the Friday sermon tomorrow, the inauguration of the ‘Exhibition on Islam’ and ‘Halal Expo’ will take place at 11:00 in the morning, said the organisers.

The Arabic word Halal means permissible in English. Though the word Halal in general, is used in the context of consumables or products used by the Muslims, it has a wide range of connotations-from inter human relationship to clothing manners and social behavior, from trade, business and financial transactions, to investments and property management or any other which is parallel to guidance specified by Islam. In other words, Halal is a standard which covers every facet of a Muslim life.

“The 10-day Halal Products Expo organised on the sidelines of the Islamic conference would be showcasing Halal certified Food, financial & investment products and opportunities, Halal consumables, Herbal & Healthcare products, cosmetics and all the related trade industries to the Muslim community,” said the organisers.

This is an effort with a clear objective to bring buyers and traders from the Halal Industry around the world annually to India by creating an interactive platform for the Global Halal Products industry, said the organisers.

This will be world class exhibition, promoting trade networking and brotherhood amongst the investors on Halal Products & Services as well with other trades. A congregation of the international traders, buyers, investors, fund managers, agents, business captains, media, influential government officials & decision makers, will meet for the purpose of this event.

While millions of people are expected to attend this ten-day conference scheduled from morning 10:00 to 10:00 late in the evening, hundreds of millions of people throughout the globe would have an opportunity to listen to the speakers through live TV coverage, said the IRF sources.

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