Home » Layer Cake Recipe Book Available At Halal EXPO

Layer Cake Recipe Book Available At Halal EXPO

News From : DagangHalal.com (01 Aug 2009)

Bandar Seri Begawan – Layer cake or `Kek Lapis Warisan Ummi’ is the latest cake book hitting the Brunei market, with 30 tantalising and easy to follow recipes created by its author Shuffinaz. Multi-layered, with some featuring intricate motifs, designs and colours, kek lapis (layered cake) is a popular local treat enjoyed by everyone.

The book features a cake for every occasion for everyone to try.

During an interview with Shuffinaz,the Author of `Kek Lapis Warisan Ummi’, she said she has also been fond of making layer cakes since quite an early age.

“I’ve tried making these wonderful layer cakes and have made original recipes that suited my taste and it has become very popular with my family and friends.

“With encouragement from both family and friends, I have endeavoured into this business by first learning the ropes at the Sinaut Entrepreneurship Development Centre.

“The book is my way of preserving my legacy so that the recipes can be handed down from generation to generation,” she added. Some of her favourites and most popular flavours are Coffee Princess, Ice Cream Peppermint, Coffee Choco Chips, Dayang Senandung and Cinderella.

Other than the different varieties of layer cakes, Warisan Ummi also produces crisps from Banana, Topic; and Yam with variety of flavours including sauces and Acar (flavoured dip). When asked about the current competition from other western cakes, Suffinaz is confident that it will not affect her sales.

“With the western cakes such as Cheesecakes or Brownies, I have combined both ingredients from traditional and western to make it my own unique recipe,” she said.

Currently, Warisan Ummi is displaying her cakes at her booth at the International Halal Expo at the International Convention Centre (ICC).

“I would like to advise anyone who would like to try making recipes or a business to try to do things that have not been done by others and to be original”, Shuffinaz added.

The book is sold at $10 each and those who wish to purchase the book or some of the layer cakes featured in the book can go to Halal Expo, which will be held until August 2. For further details and enquiries, log on to warisanummi.blogspot.com or e-mail at [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 866 4161/ 8875365/ 861 0271.

Written by Arnie PDH Ishak & Aziz Idris
— Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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