News From : (05 Apr 2012)
Datuk Othman Mustapha, Jakim Director General (left) exchange the document with Tuan Haji Muhadzir,
DagangHalal Chairman (right) at the 7th World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
From next year, Muslims can check they halal content of any local and imported product in the market via the Halal Verified Engine (HVE) system that will be developed by DagangHalal.
Jakim Director-General Datuk Othman Mustapha Said the system will be developed by DagangHalal Berhad at at a cost of RM3.5 million including promotional cost.
“The HVE search system contains halal product data collated by syariah and halal experts which have been approved by Jakim,” he told reporters after signing a Memorandum of Agreement with Dagang Halal Berhad to create the HVE in conjunction with the 2012 World Halal Forum.
Currently new applicants for Malaysian Halal certification from JAKIM and other state Government agencies such as JAIM, JAIS, MAIN etc are facing with heavy manual documentation burden to ensure their products ingredients from their suppliers are halal. For a standard application, the preparation of such documents proof is in the range of hundreds if not thousands. It will normally take a few months to prepare the full documentation.
In view of the hassle involved, JAKIM and DagangHalal decided to do something about it in order to improve the application process in terms of quality, quantity and speed of documentation preparation. Further to this, the system should be a reference point where the level of halal of any particular products worldwide can be search and research. This system will be named Halal Verified Engine (HVE).
In this partnership agreement, DagangHalal will invest RM3.5 million to develop, maintain and promote the HVE system. JAKIM will be the pioneer Certification Body (CB) to populate and adopt the system.
The team member of HVE system development includes the Halal industry experts, Professors from local universities (Datuk Prof Dr Yaakob from UPM and Prof Dr Ewe from Uni Tar) and local IT talents.
The system is estimated to be developed within one year time and it will begin the pilot run in the first quarter of 2012. The promotion of the HVE system adoption to other international CBs recognized by JAKIM however will begin earlier which is by June 2012.
HVE system is a FREE service for the public to verify if the products they consuming is halal while the Halal certificate applicants will pay an affordable fee to use the system for documentation submission.