Home » Halal Act To Standardize Certificate & Logo

Halal Act To Standardize Certificate & Logo

News From : DagangHalal.com (24 Mar 2010)

The Government is to introduce the Halal Act next year which, among others, only recognises Halal certificates and logos issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). The Halal Act that is meant to ensure the Halal foods and the processing of Halal items are in accordance to Islamic requirements, will be enforced by next year, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Senator Maj Gen (Rtd) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom. He said JAKIM together with Ministry of Domestic Trade Co-operatives and Consumerism and the Attorney-General’s Office were in the process of formulating the bill, which was expected to be completed soon.

The reason for the act was to ensure that Halal certification was not abused, he said, adding that the JAKIM was issuing a standard certificate for people’s convenience. “With many different certificates and Halal symbols, people can’t identify what is genuine and what isn’t. Once we have a standard certificate, if they see a different symbol, then they’ll know it’s not the real one issued by JAKIM.”

The said Halal Act will be imposing severe penalties to manufacturers who fail to comply. Currently, offences related to Halal certification and logo is governed under the Trade Description Act 1972 – Trade Description (Use of Expression Halal) Order 1975 with punishment of up to RM200,000 fine or 2 years imprisonment or both.

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