News From : (14 Apr 2009)
Atelier des Parfums, a renowned French perfume company, will participate in the Sixth Malaysia International Halal Showcase 2009 (MIHAS 2009) from May 6-10.
The company also hopes that its presence at the event will help promote Malaysia as a global hub for “halal” fragrances and the cosmetic business.
Its vice president Hermann J. Portner said : “We are looking at using Kuala Lumpur as the hub from which to conduct our business, not only for the region but globally.
“Being an Islamic country, Malaysia has great advantages in enabling us to penetrate the vast Islamic market,” he told Bernama here.
Portner and his partner, Olivier R. Funel, who is the company’s president are here for discussions with the Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) officials on the plan to participate in MIHAS 2009.
He expressed gratitude to Matrade officials for giving a clear picture of the investment climate in Malaysia and assistance in enabling the company to participate in MIHAS 2009.
In a show of commitment on plans to expand its halal products, Portner said a company, Alpha-Experts Sdn Bhd was established in Malaysia last year.
“We are also in the midst of looking for potential joint-venture partners to manufacture fragrances and cosmetics in Malaysia,” he saidMIHAS is fast becoming the world’s premier showcase of halal products and services.
In conjunction with MIHAS 2009, the Halal Industry Development Corp is organising the “The World Halal Research 2009” conference from May 7-8.
The conference is aimed at providing a platform for scientists, researchers, scholars and academicians to discuss and exchange ideas on new research findings, emerging technologies, trends as well as issues and challenges in the global halal industry.
Meanwhile, Funel a trained biologist, said:”We have been producing the perfume base for most of the major international brands since the beginning of the century.
“Now Atelier des Parfums is moving into the next phase of its development by distributing high quality bases with a competitive pricing for all perfume and cosmetics companies.
“This will enable them to launch products by offering the same quality as the big brands but at a fraction of the price.”
According to Funel, all the perfume bases for the Malaysian and Islamic markets will have halal certification.
Funnel also said that Atelier des Parfums is keen to find a distribution partner not just for Malaysia but also the Asean region and the Middle East.