Home » 35 Countries To Attend World Halal Forum Europe Next Month

35 Countries To Attend World Halal Forum Europe Next Month

News From : DagangHalal.com (31 Oct 2009)

Kuala Lumpur – The World Halal Forum Europe happening next month is expected to shed light on the burgeoning USD67 billion European Halal market to keen industry players from 35 countries.

To be held for the first time outside Malaysia, the World Halal Forum Europe will provide a regional focus to the issues of Halal trade, consumer demands and the socio-political scenario of the Muslims of Europe.

“The current European Muslim population of 41.2 million is expected to double in 20 years making this market extremely attractive to businesses,” World Halal Forum founder and KasehDia managing director Jumaatun Azmi said in a statement today.

“The Halal market demand in Europe is growing, the producers are scrambling to create and prove Halal integrity and there is gross misconceptions of Halal amongst the various parties. The World Halal Forum Europe intend to tackle these issues head on,” Jumaatun said.

The World Halal Forum is an industry driven inititative supported by the government of Malaysia and recognised by the OIC, launched in 2006 to promote the concept of Halal for the benefit of the global Muslim market. The inaugural World Halal Forum Europe wil be held on November 17 and 18, 2009 in the Hague, Netherlands.

“After four years of a successful global approach to the Halal industry, we’ve decided to take on a more in-depth and focused approach by targeting the regions. It is much needed,” she said.

“The European Halal market has vast potential, but it is also fragmented within the various ethnicities and countries. WHF Europe will be the platform to understand the real characteristics and opportunities of the market from the perspectives of business, consumer, Muslim groups as well as policy makers. Since we’ll be in Europe we’re also expecting parties with opposing views to Halal, from animal rights advocates, religious slaughter opponents and other groups that have strong presence in Europe,” she said.

“The gathering of high-level participants including Islamic scholars, industry experts, regulatory bodies, secular groups, scientists, academia and certification bodies is expected to bring fresh insight on the implications of Halal integrity, business and trade as well as essentially shape the next decade of this unique and ever-growing industry.”

The World Halal Forum is organised by KasehDia, a communication and research company, a world leader in Halal market data and platform

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