Home » World’s Leading ‘Halal’ Search Engine Makes Arabic Content Better Accessible

World’s Leading ‘Halal’ Search Engine Makes Arabic Content Better Accessible

News From : DagangHalal.com (15 Jul 2010)

LONDON, July 14 – Continuing the path of innovation in the Middle Eastern and Asian search markets, I’mHalal(www.imhalal.com) today announced the introduction of a more powerful search algorithm to power its Arabic, Farsi and Urdu sites.

The algorithm update influences the ranking of local websites from the Middle East and Asia that contain valuable content by positioning them higher in the search results than before. In meantime Arabic documents and pages indexed by I’mHalal have increased by 25% as a direct effect of the recent algorithm update.

Besides making Arabic content better accessible, the search engine has also introduced a new feature, which is dubbed as the “Democratic Push Algorithm”. I’mHalal is the world’s first search engine that has partially democratized it’s search algorithm by allowing its users to influence the relevancy of certain web results.

The already vast penetration of the I’mHalal search engine in the Middle East and Asia region has resulted I’mHalal to win the best halal innovation award at the prestigious world halal forum that was held in Kuala Lumpur in June 2010.

Search is driven by culture, therefore in order to return the most relevant search results I’mHalal has optimized it’s search algorithm according to the culture, lifestyle and mindset of Muslim internet users. The search engine has matured quite significantly since the soft launch in September 2009 and aims to become the leading local search engine in the Middle East and Asia.

— Zawya.com

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