Home » World Halal Forum Goes To London

World Halal Forum Goes To London

News From : DagangHalal.com (08 Oct 2010)

After successfully establishing itself in Kuala Lumpur as the world’s largest and most important Halal industry event, The World Halal Forum has turned its attention to Europe.  World Halal Forum (WHF) Europe saw its highly successful debut in The Hague in November 2009, and this year, the WHF Europe will be held in London on 10-11 November at the Earls Court Conference Centre. The theme for this year will be “Halal Products and Services – Going Mainstream”.

With an estimated value of around USD70 billion for the food sector alone, and with a higher income Muslim population of over 50 million and growing at a rate of 140% every year, Europe’s Halal sector is a highly lucrative market, and one that is being targeted by mainstream major corporations as well as small entrepreneurs in the manufacturing, retail, restaurant and food service sectors.

“With Europe’s turbulent economic climate, new market opportunities such as those available in the developing Halal sector are an increasingly important topic.  The Halal sector has been acknowledged by global marketers as an emerging economy that cannot be ignored, alongside China and India. Furthermore, for a business community that is on the lookout for ways to climb out of the recession can anyone afford to miss out on this highly profitable economic sector?” said Jumaatun Azmi, Founder and Managing Director of KasehDia Sdn Bhd, the World Halal Forum Europe Secretariat.

The timing and the choice of location could not be better. The UK has a well established Halal industry, and due to London’s cosmopolitan nature, the WHF is likely to gather Halal sector stakeholders from all parts of Europe.

Although lucrative and seemingly unchartered, in the past year several significant Halal industry issues have emerged in Europe, and there is a pressing need for the Halal market to be more structured and more effectively monitored.

The lack of effective regulation has resulted in seemingly endless speculation as to whether the Halal products are really Halal, and the differences of opinion on stunning and mechanical slaughter, coupled with the various political stances about the local Muslim populations continue to make Europe’s Halal marketplace a controversial arena.

The WHF Europe is looking to tackle these issues head-on, and to play an effective role in resolving some of the major issues facing both consumers and industry stakeholders.

During the two days of the WHF, the sessions will cover:

– Issues facing Manufacturers entering the Halal Sector
– The Supermarket or the Corner shop? Where are the consumers heading?
– Mainstream restaurants going Halal
– Halal food procurement in the Public Sector
– The rise of the Halal-friendly travel sector
– Islamic Finance in the Halal sector – why isn’t there more?
– Proposed EU Legislation on stunning – making Halal second class?
– The appearance of Halal Accreditation agencies worldwide
– Is there a need for a Halal Accreditation agency in the UK?
– Halal consumer power – just how powerful is it?
– Reaching Halal consumers in the west, a new emerging market niche

Anyone looking for insights into ways to navigate Europe’s highly lucrative but potentially treacherous marketplace would be well advised to attend the forthcoming World Halal Forum. Delegate fee per person is at GBP 475 (around RM2, 323).
For more information, please visit www.worldhalalforum.org

– Prease Release

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