News From : (20 Jun 2008) will be exhibiting at booth P21 at Halal Indonesia 2008 (The 2nd Indonesia International Halal Exhibition, the exhibition will start on July 3 till 6, 2008 in Kartika Expo Center, Balai Kartini – Jakarta, Indonesia. Halal Indonesia 2008 The 2nd Indonesia International Halal Exhibition The 2nd Halal Indonesia 2008 brings you a host of quality buyers and sellers from the muslim business community of the world. The organizing of international halal trade exhibition will be the market place for Muslim trades, investors, agents, business community, importers-exporters, trade associations and government to build networks and strengthen ties. The 2nd Halal Indonesia 2008 aims to provide the international halal industry players information and communications among stakeholder in the global halal trade. The 2nd Halal Indonesia 2008 is the best platform for the international buyers and seller to arrange and to deal with all stakeholder with global halal trade. The results at his event, hopefully, there are a cooperation and a synergy among halal producers, halal traders, and Islamic bankers. Global market At this age, halal product is widely recognized to define safety and quality assurance. The halal consumers, which comprise of 1.5 billion Muslim around the globe, value the halal certification as very important requirement. This figure includes over 180 million Muslim in Indonesia, 140 million in India, 130 million in Pakistan, 200 million in Middle East, 300 million in Africa, 14 million in Malaysia and over 8 million in North America. Not only Muslim live on halal products, demands are high even from people diverse race religion. Exhibitor Profile :: Beverages & bottled juice :: Food processing :: Baby food :: Meat products :: Frozen food :: Health products :: Cosmetic :: Dairy products, Canned food :: Preserves, jam & spreads :: Dried fruit & vegetables :: Chocolate & candies :: Confectioneries & biscuits :: Coffee, Tea, Bakery :: Pastry & snack :: Seasoning, Cooking oil :: Rice products :: Halal Certifier body over the world :: Etc