Selangor law on “Halal” products to cover all segments of the industry.
Shah Alam : The Selangor state government announced that they will amend a new state law on halal products and services covering all segments of industry. The state executive councillor Zawawi Mughni said the proposed amendment to the enactment was expected to be brought to the state assembly in October.
“Before, it was just covering food and beverages. But now we have pharmaceuticals, financial, instruments, tourism, clothing and more” he said after the meeting with small and medium industry leaders.
“The previous original halal enactment was brief, short and not comprehensive. So the new enactment will be added further to gives a better cover for all segments,” he said.
Zawawi, who is with PKR, said the state government was committed to helping halal industry entrepreneurs in Selangor and planned to take the team to South Africa, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to meet with investors there.
This efforts is expected to be held after Hari Raya Aidilfitri which will involve suitable and selected entrepreneurs. It is also expected to further intensify Selangor’s Halal sector at the international level,” he said.