News From : (22 Nov 2010)
LONDON, Nov.22, 2010 (Press Release)–The first authoritative study of the Halal red meat industry in England is published by EBLEX today.
The unique report, entitled ‘The Halal meat market: Specialist supply chain structures and consumer purchase and consumption profiles in England’, gives an overview of the Halal market and provides an insight into Muslim consumers’ attitudes to Halal meat, using qualitative and quantitative research supported by extensive desk research.
While the Muslim community in the UK represents only 3% of the population, they consume 20% of all the lamb sold in England, together with an increasing amount of beef. The Halal meat sector is a multi-million pound contributor to the British economy.
The report breaks new ground in presenting a detailed demographic breakdown of Muslim consumers of red meat and examining their purchasing and consumption behaviour, including an overview of the most popular cuts and preferences. In particular, it explores the key issues of religious slaughter and the attitudes of Muslim consumers to stunning.
The research was commissioned by the Halal steering group under the auspices of the EBLEX sector board. Commenting on the report, EBLEX sector director Nick Allen said: “This is an extremely important research project for the beef and sheep sectors, as the Halal community represents a very valuable customer base. Up to now, industry has just been guessing at its scope and the perceptions of the Muslim community.
“It provides an unrivalled knowledge store for specialist abattoirs and butchers planning the future development of their businesses, and also for mainstream retailers and processors looking to expand into this area.”
Halal steering group chairman and EBLEX board member Simon Warren added: “The report offers a unique insight into the preferences, perceptions and motivations of Muslim consumers when buying meat.
“However, this is only a starting point – the Halal market continues to develop and warrants both investment and serious attention to deepen our understanding and ensure it delivers its maximum potential.”
The steering group is currently consulting with the industry on the findings of the research.