News From : (11 May 2010)
KOTA KINABALU, May 11 (Bernama) — Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman is confident that the implementation of the MS1900:2005-Halal Standard for Quality Management for companies and organisations will help in the government’s efforts to establish the country as a global halal hub by 2020.
While the standard is based on Islamic perspectives, it is universal and can be used by all including non-Muslims.
Its implementation must be seen as a business strategy to win the Muslim consumer market while strengthening the work culture in organisations and companies, he said in his speech at the launch of a seminar, “Requirement From Islamic Perspectives”, here Tuesday to introduce the MSI900:2005 quality management system.
The text of his speech was read by the State Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports, Datuk Jahid Jahim.
In the Malaysian context, the standard has been given added value in terms of stress on the element of syariah compliance.
Musa said this includes the aspects of halal in the production process of products and delivery of services as well as the employment of ethics and values.
In terms of marketing, the use of the standard will give a competitive edge to the company in getting the share from the Muslim consumer market in the country as well as globally where the Muslim population stands at 1.65 billion or 24 per cent of the world population.
He also urged the logistics, trade and financial sectors to consider the compliance, adding that many organisations had already implemented the standards including those from the manufacturing, hotel and insurance industries.