Home » Mais Withdraws Three Halal Certificates This Year

Mais Withdraws Three Halal Certificates This Year

News From : DagangHalal.com (29 Mar 2011)

SIBU, March 28 (Bernama) — The Sarawak Islamic Council (Mais) has withdrawn the halal certification from three companies in Kuching early this year for flouting the rules.

Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Office Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman said they were found to have failed to adhere to the standards and procedures set by the Sarawak Islamic Religious Department (Jais).

“One of the more serious violations was using alcoholic ingredients in their food,” he said after handing out halal certificates to companies and eateries, here Monday.

Daud said two of the offenders were in the process of submitting new applications for halal certification.

He said there were now 320 halal certificate holders in the state.

“The withdrawn halal certification will be reinstated after the companies or eateries involved have met the conditions and their premises inspected again.”

Daud reminded all food premises and foodstuff producers who have already obtained the halal certificate to always observe the standards and stipulated procedures including on cleanliness, waste water disposal and drainage system.

He said the use of the halal logo was only valid for two years and not renewed automatically.

“Officers from Jais and other relevant agencies including the State Health Department, Veterinary Department, Chemistry Department Malaysia and the Sarawak Mufti’s Office will carry out inspections from time to time.

“If the halal certificate holders are found to flout the rules, a warning will be issued and if they still fail to abide, their certificates will be withdrawn,” he said.


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