News From : (22 Jul 2010)
PUTRAJAYA: Creative ideas and innovative Islam-based products will take centre stage at the National Islamic Innovation Carnival to be held here next month.
The four-day carnival from Aug 5 will also see those contributing towards Islamic innovation being recognised by the Government, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s De partment Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
The event, to be launched by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, will be held on the grounds of the newly-opened Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin mosque in the federal administrative capital.
“Besides the exhibition and product demonstrations, there will be a series of seminars, workshops and discussions,” Jamil said at the carnival’s soft-launch yesterday.
The Islamic Innovation Award would recognise services and products that had benefitted Muslims and non-Muslims.
A main award and four other awards – for halal classification, financial institutions, Islamic education and mosque management – would be presented.
— The Star