Home » International Islamic Tourism And Halal Week 2009

International Islamic Tourism And Halal Week 2009

News From : DagangHalal.com (10 Sep 2009)

This Press Conference is to officially announce the hosting of the “International Islamic Tourism and Halal Week 2009” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This event will be held at the MATRADE Exhibitions & Convention Centre or MECC for short, from 30th of October to 3rd November 2009 with the theme ‘Showcasing Islamic Wonders’.

The main highlight of this event is the featuring of two main international conferences and exhibitions, namely the Global Islamic Tourism Conference & Exhibitions 2009 (GITC 2009) and the Malaysian Halal Conference and Exhibition.

Both these two conferences and exhibitions are jointly organised by the Global Islamic Tourism Conference & Exhibition Secretariat Sdn. Bhd.,  the Khaaz International Sdn. Bhd. and PERDASAMA and coordinated and supported by the Islamic Tourism Centre, Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia.

The Islamic Tourism Centre or ITC for short, is a company limited by guarantee set up under the Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia, is glad to play the role as coordinators, supporters and providers of secretariat support in organising and hosting this international event.

As a matter of fact, this is the very first time that the two event organisers or parties are coming together to jointly host an International Islamic Tourism and Halal Week conference and exhibition in Malaysia.

The main objectives of this conference and exhibition are, not only to showcase the Islamic wonders of the world whilst sharing and discussing current issues, tourism attributes and new frontiers on Islamic tourism, but also to strengthening the Malaysian halal industry and tapping the opportunities thereof.

This three-day Exhibition is also open to the public whilst the conference is for the industry players.

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