News From : (11 Jun 2009)
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:The government finally released 76 containers of Australian and New Zealand beef held at Tanjung Priok Quarantine Agency in Jakarta. The Indonesian Council of Ulemas(MUI) declared the beef to be halal.
Coordinating Minister for the Economy deputy in charge of Agriculture and Maritime, Bayu Krisnamurti, said the Agriculture Department has issued a letter releasing the imported beef. The Livestock director-general has issued a letter allowing the release of the beef to be distributed to the public,” Bayu told Tempo in a short text message, yesterday.
According to Bayu, the process of releasing the imported beef from Australia and New Zealand is in progress. The letter was issued in June 8, 2009. He said he had asked the MUI for confirmation concerning the halal(kosher) status of the imported beef.
The Agriculture Department had banned imported beef from Australia and New Zealand in June 2 based on an MUI letter dated March 25 questioning their halal status.