Home » HK Opens 1st Int’l Tea Fair, Hopes To Become Global Tea Hub

HK Opens 1st Int’l Tea Fair, Hopes To Become Global Tea Hub

News From : DagangHalal.com (14 Aug 2009)

Aug. 14, 2009 (China Knowledge) – The first Hong Kong International Tea Fair, conceived as part of the city’s effort to become a global tea trade hub and to boost new exhibition business amid the global financial crisis, opened in Hong Kong on Thursday.

The three-day exhibition will host a tea set display, tea art performances and an international seminar on the tea industry. It attracted over 250 exhibitors from 17 countries and regions, including India, Japan, Malaysia, Canada and Australia.

The fair was organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Chinese Tea Culture International Exchange Association.

Hong Kong’s tea culture boasts a long history. Hong Kong’s free market, stable financial system and consummate transportation and logistic facilities could help it become a global tea trade hub, said Raymond Yip, the HKTDC’ s assistant executive director.

As a regional tea trading hub, Hong Kong imported more than HK$380 million worth of tea and related products in 2008, and its annual tea consumption per capita reached 1.3kg, more than mainland China and Japan.

The tea fair is held concurrently with the 20th Food Expo, which features over 600 exhibitors from more than 24 countries and regions.

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