News From : (26 May 2009)
Memorandum was signed by director of Sirbegovic Company, Faruk Sirbegovic and high executive officer of the Halal Industry Development (HDI) Datuk Seri Jamil Bidin.
BiH Ambassador to Malaysia Ambassador Ensar Eminovic attended the signing of the memorandum of understanding on the project of construction of “Halal Park” in BiH organized within the 4th World Halal Forum, announced BiH Foreign Ministry.
Memorandum was signed by director of Sirbegovic Company, Faruk Sirbegovic and high executive officer of the Halal Industry Development (HDI) Datuk Seri Jamil Bidin.
The two parties obliged to implement joint Halal standards set by the Organization of Islamic Conference and additional training programs to develop necessary skills and continuance of trade between Malaysian and BiH companies.
It is planed for Halal Park to be built in Gracanica on 20 acres of land.
Total value of the project is about 100 million Euros with planned annual revenues of about 500 million Euros when Halal Park starts functioning in full capacity.
This investment will secure opening of several thousands of new jobs.