News From : (02 Apr 2010)
Meat consumption in Egypt is expected to grow in line with economic gains according to Business Monitor International (BMI)
The forecast consumption increase of higher value beef and veal is expected to average 3.2% to 2013-14, while overall food consumption is predicted to see growth of 6.84% in the same period.
With a population of nearly 80 million and GDP per capita growth of more than 50%, to US$4,100 forecast to 2013-2014, Egypt’s meat consumption in value and volume terms is expected to continue registering considerable growth beyond 2014.
Being a predominantly Muslim nation, Egypt is also emerging as potentially one of the Middle East’s most lucrative Halal food markets (BMI).
Australian beef exports to Egypt in 2009 totalled 1,160 tonnes grassfed up from 284 tonnes in 2000, while lamb in 2009 reached 228 tonnes.