Home » Cafe Malaysia Makes Strategic Move To A New Date Of 14 – 16 January 2016

Cafe Malaysia Makes Strategic Move To A New Date Of 14 – 16 January 2016

News From : DagangHalal.com (21 Oct 2015)

Cafe Malaysia 2016 will now take place from 14 – 16 January 2016 at MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, moving from the dates of 5-7 May 2016.

This strategic move was made to greatly enhance the Cafe Malaysia scene at large.

In view of the World Latte Art Championship that will be held in Shanghai in March come 2016, this movement of dates will facilitate and accommodate the hosting of Malaysia Latte Art Championship (MLAC) 2016 in conjunction with Cafe Malaysia 2016.

This competition highlights the importance of artistic expression and challenges the barista in an on-demand performance. The Champion chosen will then represent Malaysia to compete on the world stage.

Mr Steven Tan, General Manager of CEMS Conference and Exhibition (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Organiser of Cafe Malaysia stated: “We are happy to accommodate the movement of dates of Cafe Malaysia in support of our partner, Malaysia Specialty Coffee Association, so as to value add to the staging of the Malaysia Latte Art Championship (MLAC)2016 as we believe that this will greatly benefit the cafe scene in Malaysia. We also hope that through Cafe Malaysia and the various championships happening in conjunction, we will be able to further propel the cafe, coffee and tea industry forward.”

Mr Victor Leong, President of Malaysia Specialty Coffee Association (MSCA) stated: “We are very grateful and truly appreciate CEMS for assisting us in establishing this unparalleled platform through this strategic change to conduct the championships. We want to express our sincere gratitude and support for Cafe Malaysia and we look forward to foster and deepen our strategic partnership for the cafe scene in Malaysia” 

MSCA will be organizing the three major competitions in conjunction with Cafe Malaysia 2016, the MLAC 2016, Malaysian Brewer’s Cup Championships (MBCC) 2016 as well as the Malaysia Barista Championship (MBC) 2016.

Cafe Malaysia 2016 will take the center-stage from 14-16 January 2016 at MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, seeing the largest gathering of key coffee and tea industry players with the widest array of equipment, machinery and accessories showcase.

The 3-day exhibition will successfully represent and reflect the growing cafe scene and trends in ASEAN and worldwide, making Cafe Malaysia 2016 your one and only original platform for Malaysia’s cafe, coffee and tea industry.

Your perfect brew awaits.

For more information, please visit Cafe Malaysia at www.cafe-malaysia.com.

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