Home » Australia – Drop In Offal Prices

Australia – Drop In Offal Prices

News From : DagangHalal.com (09 Nov 2009)

Average prices for edible beef offal items were generally lower in October when compared with a year earlier, as FOB prices were affected by the rising A$ – currently averaging 30% higher than a year earlier at around 90US (MLA’s Monthly Co-products Monitor).

Prices received by Australian exporters declined for most major offal items, with hearts ($1.26/kg), kidneys ($0.87/kg), liver ($1.06/kg) and tripe pieces ($1.94/kg) falling 36%, 13%, 41% and 23%, respectively, over the year.

Japanese offal items reportedly fared a little better than most, with modest price rises recorded from September, as low stock-piles encouraged a higher level of activity among buyers. However, any price improvements were outweighed by the impact of the less favourable exchange rate and all prices came down accordingly. Swiss-cut tongues averaged 39% cheaper at $9.78/kg, while both thick ($3.49/kg) and thin skirts ($3.44/kg) declined 23% year-on-year. Returns on rumen pillars were well below a year ago, with mid-weight (500-700gm) pieces averaging 75% less year-on-year in October at $3.49/kg.

Weakness in the Korean offal market continued, despite the recent emergence of some positive signals about the economy, with buyers reportedly reluctant to place anything other than immediate short-term orders. The price of head meat fell 20% year-on-year to average ($2.45/kg), while tails ($3.66/kg) and tendons ($4.22) declined 34% and 36%, respectively.

Demand for halal product in Indonesia remained strong, but again prices were overwhelmed by the appreciating A$. Halal hearts ($1.81/kg), liver ($1.19/kg) and tail ($3.91/kg) were all significantly cheaper in October, falling between 31 and 45% year-on-year, but retaining their premium to non-halal offals.

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