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Malaysia As A Model For Halal Industry

News From : DagangHalal.com (13 Oct 2008)

A better understanding of what the term Halal constitutes is needed in order for industries associated with it to grow and for Malaysia to become a global hub. It is because Malaysia provided the best global model for the Halal industries and many countries had followed in its footsteps. Halal Industry Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (HDC) was established in September 2006 to coordinate the overall development of the Halal industry in Malaysia. Its main focus is the development of Halal standards, auditing and certification, capacity-building for Halal products and services as well as promoting and facilitating the growth and participation of local companies in the global Halal market. HDC managing director and Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Jamil Bidin said society at large needed a better understanding of Halal and its “true definition”. Halal products are not just for Muslims but for everybody,” Jamil told StarBiz, adding that there was a move to change that perception amongst non-Muslims. He added that HDC has the mandate to help change society’s perception of the Halal label not just another label but as an assurance of quality, cleanliness and safety. The Halal business was very lucrative with the current global Halal market valued at US$2.1 trillion. HDC acted as a facilitator for the Halal industries because 98% of companies involved in these industries were small and medium enterprises, most of whom lack the financial capability to expand their business on a global scale. HDC also constantly communicates with the private sector and chambers of commerce to get feedback on how to improve efficiency in these industries. Jamil said the HDC was hoping to become a reference centre for training and certification. Training is given especially to non-Muslim companies to teach them about the Halal industries. There are three courses available for those interested in the Halal industries. HDC would spearhead Malaysia’s vision to develop the Halal industries as a powerful market force, bringing the benefits of Halal products and services to both Muslims and non-Muslims throughout the world. Reference: HalalJournal.com By Edy Sarif, thestar.com.my Oct 07, 2008, 14:09 http://www.halaljournal.com/index.php?page=article&act=show&category=2&pid=2269

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