Home » Amended Trade Descriptions Act Will Check Cheating Traders – Ismail

Amended Trade Descriptions Act Will Check Cheating Traders – Ismail

News From : DagangHalal.com (27 Jul 2010)

BERA, July 25 (Bernama) — The Trade Descriptions Act 1972 will be amended to allow sterner action against traders who cheat and hike the price of goods.

Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the final draft was being prepared by the Attorney-General’s Chambers for tabling in Dewan Rakyat by October.

“The RM100,000 fine and 3 years jail for individuals and RM250,000 fine or 3 years jail for companies do not seem to deter traders.

“They continue to hike prices and cheat consumers like the false halal logo used by a kopitiam recently,” he said after closing Koperasi Wanita Bera annual general meeting here Sunday.

Ismail said the ministry’s enforcement officers would not compromise with traders who cheat the public.

As such, amendments to the act would include higher fines and longer jail terms for the cheating traders.

He said the amendments include withdrawing the authority to issue halal logos by private companies.

The job had been given back to the Islamic Development Department Malaysia (Jakim) and Islamic Departments in the respective states.


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